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R Server for HDInsight: Enterprise-Scale R Analytics With Apache Hadoop & Apache Spark

R Server for HDInsight

Large-scale data analysis refers to a broad term that encompasses within it a collection of different tools, systems, and services that are designed for completing big data analytics. The term “Big Data” on the other hand refers to a huge volume of data that is produced, acquired, assimilated, and analyzed by several organizations across the world in the backdrop of globalization. Thus, large-scale data analytics is usually carried out through two processes, namely, the database management systems, and Map-reduce powered systems. In this context, the services and products designed by Microsoft deserve special mention. We will discuss R Server for HDInsight features and pricing which is one such service designed and developed by Microsoft.

What is R Server for HD Insight: Meaning and advantages in large scale data analytics

R Server For HDInsight

The Azure R server is popularly known as the Machine learning server. It is an enterprise-level platform that is quite flexible while analyzing data with scalability. The service is used to build intelligent applications and perform data analysis functions. Also, helps in discovering actionable insights using predictive analytics across an organization with support for Python and R. Microsoft has attempted to combine the enterprise level R analytics software consisting of the power of Apache Hadoop and Apache Spark in R Server for HDInsight.  The product is capable of performing advanced analytics at a scalable rate through Azure Managed Hadoop clusters.

In the context of large-scale data analytics, the HDInsight is adept with the capacity of tackling 1000 times more data than other services at about 50 times faster speed than the open-source R Server. This helps the user organizations to analyze accurate models to improve the internal predictive analytics patterns.

Benefits of Machine Library: Understanding The large parallel analytics

The concept of ‘large parallel analytics‘ encompasses a method of analyzing raw organizational data through a series of parallel processes that run simultaneously on several computers. This method is used in the context of analyzing large data sets, for instance, huge telephone call records or network logs and others. The basic underlying concept behind this method is parallelism which implies the execution of simultaneous processes. To process real-time events, multiple processors or multiple computers are utilized in this method.

HDInsight For Parallel Processing

The benefits of machine learning library can be enumerated as follows:-

  • The machine learning language is considered to be an open-source R language which implies the fact that the source R functions without a license.
  • The language allows the user to create regression models and provides the features for developing artificial neural networks.
  •  The data preparation pattern in R allows the user to perform data wrangling which refers to transforming messy data into a structured format.
  • The machine learning library is known as the language of statistics which means that it is adept with statistical tools. Also, it consists of a range of data visualization tools that help to convert insights into interactive visuals. It also enhances the native Spark execution frameworks.
  • The machine learning library is also capable of solving complex machine learning problems through ensemble techniques which include the formation of decision trees. There are several head nodes in R that when modified can modify the machine learning library.

Handling terabytes of Data by R Server for HD Insight:

The R Server HdInsight has the potential of tackling 1000 times more data than the open-source language. The ability to perform transparent parallelism based on Hadoop Spark. The R Server allows the user organization to tackle terabytes of data. In addition to this, the user can use this service to create trees and ensembles from any amount of data and train logistic models in regression. But, the only limitation for the user in this context is the size of their HDInsight Spark clusters.

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Comparison of performance: An Open Source R perspective

The R Server HDInsight and the R Server open-source language both have similar features in terms of data analytics. As the HDInsight is built atop the R Server, it has the same capability of running the R scripts without performing any changes to the datasets. Again, as both the services are based on an open-source language, there is no requirement for a license. In addition to this, both services can create decision trees and ensembles.

But the services differ in the following two regards:-

  • The R Server for HDInsight is capable of tackling 1000 times more data in comparison to R Server. Moreover, it implies greater capacity in terms of advanced analytics.
  • The statistical modelling techniques are better in the HDInsights which consequently leads to better handling of analytical workload.

Running R function over several nodes:

One of the other advantages of using the R Server for HdInsight is the capacity of the service to run any open-source function across several head nodes. This helps in performing parallel parameter sweeps and data simulations. Consequently, the user can explore and refine the models and action scripts more quickly and simply within the cloud architecture. It further helps in tackling analytics workloads and improves predictive analytics patterns.

R Server Studio Community Edition: A briberies introduction RStudio Server is capable of aiding the process of providing a browser-based interface to a version of R running in a remote Linux Server. The method of running R on Spark streaming provides the advantage of distributed memory computing and access to data stored in the HDFS. Before using the RStudio Server, the following prerequisites need to be fulfilled:-

  • Azure HDinsight premium cluster
  • During creating the HDInsight cluster should be configured to run in the Spark Summit.
  • An R Server running on the cluster’s edge.

Security and Support in R Server for HD Insight:

The Microsoft Service Level Agreement provides the user with a guaranteed 99.9% connectivity. This helps to protect the R Server for HDInsight clusters of the user organizations against certain unfathomable incidents. It implies that the security and support provided by HDInsight in the Spark streaming scenarios is unparalleled in the market. The Spark integration ability ensures that the data of the user company is integrated and secured at all times.

Deployment tiperiodor R Server HD Insight:

The Microsoft Machine Learning server is available for deployment to the user organization when the HDInsight clusters are created in Azure. The cluster which provides this option is termed sea ice.

Azure HD Insights Consultation: An EPC Group approach

Azure Consultant

Organizations that intend to achieve success globally need to implement modern data management and analytics systems seamlessly. The EPC Group is one of the leading consultant partners in the field that help companies to use analytics tools. It brings multiple advantages and aid the process of fulfilling organizational goals. The company consists of a dedicated team of experts of Azure Consulting for R Server for HDInsight that strive towards helping their clients to migrate their data and perform advanced analytics.

Being a Microsoft gold certificate partner for over two decades, the EPC Group has been successfully creating customized training programs. They are related to Microsoft products and services including Power BI Consulting and Azure services, for their customers. With round-the-clock customer support, the company is capable of helping interested organizations utilize the capabilities of the R Server for HDInsight in performing advanced analytics for big data in the cloud environment.


In this contemporary business arena, it is essential for organizations to consistently perform successful big data analytics. It helps in achieving global standards of cloud business environment. The R Server for HDInsight has been designed by Microsoft for data analytics. Microsoft makes sure that the product is technologically sound and comes with the world-class data security guaranteed. Consequently, much like the other Microsoft services and products, the user organization can expect high-performance analytics at a scalable speed and affordable prices. Thus, organizations that are bent towards finding the perfect tool to fulfill their large-scale data analytics needs at an affordable rate, should let for the R Server for HDInsight by Microsoft.

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Errin OConnor

Errin OConnor

With over 25 years of experience in Information Technology and Management Consulting, Errin O’Connor has led hundreds of large-scale enterprise implementations from Business Intelligence, Power BI, Office 365, SharePoint, Exchange, IT Security, Azure and Hybrid Cloud efforts for over 165 Fortune 500 companies.

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