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How Does Microsoft Viva Analytics Increase Productivity In Organization

Microsoft Viva Analytics

The term Microsoft Viva analytics refers to a web application named Workplace Analytics. This application is currently being rebranded to Viva Insights by Microsoft. Workplace Analytics is an application that consists of advanced analysis tools and certain accelerators which are available to individuals performing the roles of an Analyst, Limited Analyst, or Admin Role. While companies with successful business stature consistently track the outcomes of their decisions, it is necessary to also track the daily actions that lead to those performance outcomes.

This daily tracking of the actions taken within the organization as well as the employees working within the framework is crucial for long-term success. In simple words, collaboration within the organization and the employees is the key to a successful business.

Uses of Workplace Analytics: A brief description

Employees within an organization collaborate and interact in several ways. These methods include their working on the network, interacting amongst themselves, with their coworkers, or even their mentors and leaders. All these interactions too, give rise to some form of data that can be measured and utilized. But, this data becomes meaningless in the absence of the correct measuring technique or service.

In this context, Microsoft Viva analytics is capable of measuring these interactions and providing the necessary insights from them that can help in improving the overall organizational framework of a company. Some among a range of Microsoft products or services are capable of capturing the signals from the meetings conducted by companies through emails, Team calls, and other messaging activities.

This provides a detailed dataset consisting of ways in which employees spend their time at work. The noteworthy part about creating this dataset is the fact that it is generated passively through the screening of everyday actions.

Microsoft Viva Analytics

The services like Workplace Analytics or Viva Insights gives the companies an insight into certain crucial parts of a company’s framework including:-

  • How employees utilize their time
  • The kind of activities the individuals stay invested in
  • The methods of sharing information among the employees as well as the beyond the limits of the organization and
  • The pattern in which a team interacts with other teams and even external contacts.

Also Read: Headspace App in the Teams App through Viva Insights

Organizational areas that benefit from Workplace Analytics:

A clear understanding of how the employees of an organization use and to invest their working hours helps a company in understanding the general workplace habits of these individuals. This knowledge later helps the company in building strong work habits and team norms that result in the improvement of productivity.

But, to convert the raw data or insights into meaningful information, the interactions need to be translated into specific measures of time and relationships.

Along with this, the collaborative information can be aggregated with the contextual data related to the employees, their roles, geographies, and outcome. Apart from these, the employees need to be provided with an option of control to protect their data privacy.

Microsoft Viva analytics aid the improvement of the organizational framework at large by identifying the opportunities that the decision-makers of the company can adopt and effectively execute. These opportunities are provided across several organizational fields including the situations dealing with collaborative overload, understanding the effectiveness of the manager, increasing sales productivity, and increasing employee engagement.

Workplace Analytics or Viva Insights: An explanation

Viva Analytics Impact

Every day when employees attend their working hours at the office or virtually, their interactions within the organizational environment produce data. The present-day technologies used by companies are usually designed to catch up on the data. The varied work patterns, habits, and tendencies create valuable insights which can later be analyzed to improve the way a company functions. But to make the data useful, it is crucial to have in place an adept service that can provide insights after analyzing the data.

Workplace Analytics is one such service that is in the process of becoming a part of the Microsoft Viva suite of products and services. The Microsoft Viva Insights is a module of the Microsoft Viva suite which has been designed as an employee experience platform or service. Apart from empowering the employees of an organization remotely, the service can improve the productivity and well-being of the employees through data-driven insights, privacy-protected controls, and recommendations within Microsoft Teams.

Various forms of insights provided by Viva Insights:

The goal of improving the overall performance of an organization is one of the most important needs of a successful business. But this improvement can be achieved only by elevating the productivity and well-being of the employees working with the company. The Viva Insights helps in achieving this state of well-being by providing data insights based on the features of My Analytics and Workplace Analytics.

The insights provided by this service can be categorized into the following categories:-

Employee improvement well-being

In the post covid business environment, the virtual or remote working pattern is taking a toll on the employees. The insights are given by Microsoft Viva analytics help the companies in reducing the barriers that appear in the process of remote working. The service shows the employees, ways in which their work and personal life can be balanced. Additionally, the Viva Insights Dashboard allows the employees to record their feelings throughout a certain day. This information can be used by managers in protecting their team members from suffering burnout.

Employee Burnout - Microsoft Viva analytics

Understanding of the employee engagement levels

The success of a company depends on the productivity of its employees and a well-engaged employee gives his best into the work. The Viva Insights feature allows the company to look into the total number of one on one discussions a certain has had with the manager. This information becomes a reflection of the extent to which the employee feels a belonging to the company. Improving this feeling of belonging can increase the productivity of the individuals.

Analyzing the engagement data

Certain features within Viva Insights allow companies to measure the employee engagement data and gather information like the amount of time spent in meetings, the general working hours, and others.

The pricing structure of the Viva Insights:

The Viva Insights service is available to user companies both individually as well as in the Microsoft Viva Suite. The Viva Insights individually provides the premium service and access to the manager, leader insights, Advanced insights along with analysis tools and accelerators at the price of $4 per user per month. This is an annual subscription with auto-renewal.

On the other hand, the Microsoft Viva suite helps organizations to manage their teams best from any place using the complete employee experience suite. The suite comprises Viva Insights, Viva learning, and Viva Topics and is priced at $9 per user per month.

Methods used by Viva Analytics to improve the productivity of an organization:

Microsoft Viva analytics uses a range of methods towards bringing about an improvement in the productivity of the user organizations. These methods can be categorized in the following manner:

  • Helping in the transformation of insights into action in the form of up levelling manager practices, driving sales productivity and others.
  • Working towards gaining actionable insights on employee engagement and well being
  • Driving organizational change with the insightful data gathered.

Privacy and control methods are designed to keep the employee-generated data safe from outside influence.

If you are looking for implementing Microsoft Viva for workforce analytics then you can opt for Microsoft Viva Consulting services from EPCGroup.

Errin OConnor

Errin OConnor

With over 25 years of experience in Information Technology and Management Consulting, Errin O’Connor has led hundreds of large-scale enterprise implementations from Business Intelligence, Power BI, Office 365, SharePoint, Exchange, IT Security, Azure and Hybrid Cloud efforts for over 165 Fortune 500 companies.

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