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How To Monitor And Manage SharePoint Fleet Management

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The SharePoint fleet management system is a collection of tools and processes and an integrated, end-to-end solution that helps organizations monitor and manage their SharePoint infrastructure. Therefore, it’s essential to understand how all these components work together to effectively plan for, implement and manage the SharePoint fleet management system. Understanding the workflow for managing SharePoint […]

NetDocuments vs SharePoint: 7 Key differences you need to know!

SharePoint vs NetDocuments

Are you facing difficulty to get an appropriate data management service or selecting among cloud apps? EPC will support your research on the critical evaluation of NetDocuments vs SharePoint. Microsoft SharePoint is a web-based storage solution that configures you with a storage place, sharing space, access authority, and organization of all the activities. All you […]

Scalability Planning in Your SharePoint 2013 & Office 365 Roadmap

Scalability Planning in Your SharePoint 2013 Architectural Roadmap It is important to utilize an Office 365 roadmap to ensure your SharePoint 2013 and/or Office 365 (hybrid) platform and avoid some of the known pitfalls that degrade its performance such as: Having all SharePoint services are in the “default” service group Having redundant and JavaScript that […]

Building a Best Practices Information Architecture for SharePoint 2013 and Office 365

EPC Group approaches the architecture and design of SharePoint 2013 and/or Office 365’s Information Architecture (IA) using a the three-prong approach that provides placeholders for the requirements that must be documented but also sets expectations for the SharePoint project team to design an IA that is scalable and has organization’s long-term SharePoint roadmap in mind. The Context, […]

Hybrid Search Deep-dive: SharePoint Server 2013 & Office 365 Integration

One of the most common configurations that is starting to emerge into today’s IT landscape is that of a hybrid cloud architecture and is something you must plan for in your organization’s long-term SharePoint and/or Office 365 roadmap. SharePoint Server 2013 can integrate with cloud-based solutions such as Office 365 and/or SharePoint Online in a secure and federated manner that will allow a user […]

Understanding SharePoint 2013 and Office 365’s Logical Architecture

To drill down into the overall logical architecture of SharePoint 2013, the underlying technical components and features that factor into the design of SharePoint 2013’s Information Architecture are as listed here: Service applications Application pools Web applications Zone(s) Site collections Sites Lists and libraries SharePoint 2013 allows for individual services to be configured and controlled […]

Understanding On-Premises, Cloud, & Hybrid Environments in SharePoint 2013 & Office 365

The on-premises versus cloud environment debate about SharePoint started several years ago. That debate became much more heated when Jared Spataro, Director of SharePoint at Microsoft, announced during a conference that SharePoint 2013 was being developed using a “Cloud First” strategy and that Office 365 customers could expect to have access to the benefits of the new release sooner than on-premises […]