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Microsoft Windows 365 Cloud PC for The New World of Work


The COVID-19 Pandemic was awful for humanity. Apart from causing a massive public health crisis, it also caused a technological, social, and cultural disruption. Over a year into the Pandemic and still the digital adoption curve is not slowing down. Nevertheless, it is accelerating, and it is just the beginning. Global organizations are moving from […]

Data Analytics And AI in Decision-Making

Data Analytics And AI

When strategic decisions need to be made, there are times when more data is required to determine the best course of action, and decisions based on intuition are often not reliable. Analytics and Artificial Intelligence help us by providing us with the tools needed to make decisions more reliably and accurately. How do they help […]

Google App Maker vs. PowerApps

Google App Maker vs. PowerApps

Google rolled out its Google Home app maker back in January and has been pushing it as its best choice for building voice-activated apps. It’s managed to build a handy voice-controlled app maker, but Microsoft has already established itself with its PowerApps and is now expanding it to make it even more capable. This could […]