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Automated / Scheduled Reporting using Microsoft Power BI

What exactly is Automated Reporting?

Reporting automation is the procedure of delivering reports that covers relevant business info at specified intermissions so the users don’t have to spend time finding the information themselves. Automated reporting includes numerous kinds of business reports as per the wants of the user. With enterprise level BI and reporting tools bids various ways to plan, initiate, and burst reports out. For example, a planned report may be directed out once a week like on Wednesday at 10 am every week. They can also be generated when a particular event occurs.

What do you get from automation of reports?

  1. Increased Communication:

By employing an effective core reporting system, you permit the data to flow upward, downward, or alongside, reaching the planned recipient in an appropriate manner. Also, automated reporting techniques allow for reports to be sent to specific shareholders on a steady basis by email.

  1. Increased Productivity:

In order to endure productivity in today’s super competitive atmosphere, administrations should be flexible enough to answer rapidly to industry fluctuations and opportunities using real time analytics. A huge emphasis has been rested on conference the exclusive needs of targeted customer groups in order to differentiate one in the marketplace. In order to accomplish these areas, industries need an inventory and monetary reporting system that supports this concept and delivers appropriate information to organization in a timely manner.

  1. Increased Accuracy:

The complete accuracy of administrative planning, accounting, and predicting is largely reliant on the accuracy and extensiveness of the data obtainable when making such decisions, and a production’s skill to be able to pull out correct analytics. By having a reporting system in place that offers both appropriate and exact information, the significant decisions will be made with the appropriate and precise decision-making gears.

  1. Increased Timeliness:

Once the data is composed, the question arises of how to present the information to corporate owners and decision makers in a considerate and understanding way. Managers need the data presented in an operative manner in order to effortlessly and speedily analyse it. That’s why various industries turn to inventory and accounting software program that has some amazing report templates accessible, tools for dealing with analytics and the skill to produce instant reports unambiguously personalized to their business.

Upsurge in productivity using automated reports:

Automation is going to cause substantial labour dislodgement and could intensify growing services and employment gaps that previously existed between high-expertise and low-expertise staff. Our examination of mechanization potential also proposes that numerous works could be somewhat automated before they are fully automated, which could have diverse consequences for high and low-skill workers. Specifically, for low-skill workers, this procedure could dampen wages unless demand raises.

Automation also signifies a very extensive chance to support global fiscal growth. Estimates suggest that it has the latent contribution evocatively to the evolution obligatory to meet the per capita GDP objectives of each country, at a time when fluctuating demographics call those ambitions into question. Indeed, for this development to take place, instead of having a huge labour surplus, everyone has to keep working with the automatons working along with them.

Scheduled reporting with the help of Business intelligence gears:

BI tools and progressive reporting solutions allow management to automate reports and plan alerts. Also, this process becomes easy with the help of an easy-to-use interface. The Code-free organizational UI authorizes both the tech-savvy and trainee users create report templates, tenant consents, and connect to records with ease.

Self-service analytics platform makes things easier with the reporting procedure for the users. Ad hoc commercial reports can be formed immediately to respond to their specific business queries,. Moreover, It leads to more vision and improved decision-making. Furthermore, you can offer interactive actual dashboards with visualizations to improve verdicts related to day-to-day operations to your users.

Staying updated with reports that are important for the organization has never been easier. Subscribe to report sheets that are pretty substantial to you, and Power BI will email an image to your inbox. You only have to instruct the Power BI how frequently you want to receive the email. It can be daily, weekly, or when the information revives. In fact, you can also set a definite time for Power BI to communicate. So, the bottom line is, you can establish up to 24 diverse subscriptions per report.

The email and image will custom the language that is set in the Power BI settings. If no language was fixed previously, Power BI uses English as a default language.

Setting up automated reporting in Microsoft Power BI:

Power BI Robots is a Robots Process Automation (RPA) tool which was launched in February. It lets the users plan and send out Power BI reports to anyone, anytime and anywhere.

Once you have installed the Power BI Robots desktop representative, go to the web representative and select Create on the Playlist option. A playlist is a collection of Power BI reports or dashboards, congregated to be sent anywhere, in most cases, by email.

Then, on the General tab, you should:
  • name the playlist whatever you think fits correctly.
  • select the screenshot output format such as image or PDF files.
  • set the screen size that is the most appropriate for you.
  • set the screen-captures repetition (your data’s refresh rate);
  • select Email on the Send to bar;

The Token function is very accessible if you want to send emails regularly and to a huge quantity of people. To use it, snap the pound sign from the menu. By choosing a token from the list, you’re accepting that these arenas are continuously updated.

Next, continue to the Recipients tab to add the email addresses you wish to send your Power BI reports. You can add as many accounts as you want to.

Once you’re done choosing your recipients, tap on “next” and continue to the Visuals tab. Click Add Power BI account to make a screen showing your Power BI workstations pop-up.

Next, you are going to select the report pages and dissimilar tiles you want to send by checking their boxes. Subsequently, go to the last tab if you want to smear individual strainers to your reports. This is specifically beneficial when you wish to send diverse data to diverse persons from the similarPower BIreport. Finally, click on Create to get completed with your playlist.

To conclude, open the Power BI Robots desktop representative and click Synchronize on the General tab.

What is the best frequency for automated report generation:

The best frequency for automated report generation is weekly so that if anyone in the organization thinks they need to review the facts and figures; they can just open their e-mails where they will see the automated report of that week. This way, there is also transparency in the organization and everyone feels secure.

How to generate interactive reports with Power BI visualization:

Power BI Desktop is a design tool that works on your computer. You can make use of the tool to import Excel data sets, create associations, and then build an interactive report. You can also use various charts and other features that are provided to you.

In addition to linking to Excel, you can also link to 60 additional data sources. Microsoft has built connections for facilities like Google Analytics, Microsoft Dynamics and Sales Force. You get many options like including different charts, diagrams and pie charts. It makes your reports attractive and engaging so that when users see it, it makes them believe that you have put in a lot of effort to create a report so understandable and engaging.


Data visualizations provides you with the skill to intermingle with your important data to discover actionable business understandings. You can choose from a list of available conceptions and add custom conceptions that you can produce or choose from the gallery. Visualizations that have been community obtained within Power BI have illustrations with numerous beneficial features. To enhance your communal conception just visit the library on the Power BI site.

On the Starter page of Power BI custom graphics page, surf the gallery. Visualizations give you the choice to shape new or use current progressive analytics in conceptions through the community writing gallery if you want. Exploiting the Showcase, you can input compound algorithms, conceptions, and more. Custom graphics do not require much progressive skill.

You can import a custom graphic to your report and the power will be applied. Generating Custom conceptions Power BI gives you the ability to shape full custom visuals to add to information or submit to the public so that other people can use them. Building custom graphics using Power BI designer gears, which lets you design custom graphics by generating custom graphic TypeScript encryption and creating CSS. Once you’ve completely selected your graphic, you can send it to Power BI dashboard or give it to the Power BI visuals gallery.


Report automation saves your business a lot of time and resources. It helps putting you on track to being an organization that works purely on data-basis. As a portion of a Business Intelligence platform, you can go from automated reports to automated insights, authorizing each operator to discover the hidden leanings and critical perceptions within their information. Saving time and money is one of the most efficient practices of business.

However, it is still very hard to achieve but with automated reports, you save time, efforts, resources and money. Expenses are cut down without cutting down on the quality of operations, I say it’s a win-win!

Errin OConnor

Errin OConnor

With over 25 years of experience in Information Technology and Management Consulting, Errin O’Connor has led hundreds of large-scale enterprise implementations from Business Intelligence, Power BI, Office 365, SharePoint, Exchange, IT Security, Azure and Hybrid Cloud efforts for over 165 Fortune 500 companies.

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