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Benefits of Microsoft Teams Training To Enhance Team Collaboration

Benefits of MS Teams

Are you wondering how to have a better and easier communication and collaboration with your team? Are you looking for a better alternative? Worry not; Microsoft Teams is here to help.

You sure have heard about this tool from your friends, colleagues, or you searched about it online. It has been popular nowadays. When you have to work with other people remotely, it can be handy thanks to Microsoft Teams with a better approach to communication. To fully understand its features and benefits, let us first know what it is about.

What is Microsoft Teams?

MS Teams, part of Office 365, is a cloud-based app you can use to enhance team collaboration. Aside from creating virtual teams, it also works for communication such as business messaging, calling, video sharing, group emails, and sharing files.

This team collaboration software is built for a modern workplace where businesses or organizations of all sizes can use. This service can be used by sales teams, project management teams, customer support, and more.

What are the benefits of Microsoft Teams

Unleashing The Power of Communication and Collaboration

MS Teams is the fastest growing up in Microsoft’s history since its launch, with over 330 000 organizations and companies using it across the globe. If you are one of its many users, you sure know how this application can positively change your working environment.

Here are some features and benefits of Microsoft Teams, and you can unlock more of them with Microsoft Teams Training:

Virtual Chats and Structured Emails

In need of a quick conversation with your workmates? You can use the chat windows in Teams. If you want to share a file, you can attach it to your chat message. You no longer need to switch between apps to converse with them or share files, thanks to the tight integration with Office 365.

Stress also comes when you’re drowned with emails. One benefits of Microsoft Teams is that it provide a structural way for your emails. No more email-upon-email response. Teams also enable you to create Word, Excel, and PowerPoint documents. You can share this with your colleagues instantly and even co-author with them.

This can help you prevent sending different versions through email that can lead to confusion. If you have any comments, you can add them and chat with your workmate to discuss the document. You can have a private discussion, Skype integration, and even personalize your conversation with MS Teams

Meetings in Microsoft Teams

Preparing for your meeting has never been this easy. You can send the agenda or objectives in one mail. Once you create the meeting, you can converse with the other participant and start discussing the agenda. If there are unknown people that have been invited to the meeting, you can check them.

If some files need to be reviewed, you can share them. Keeping track of your to-dos and meeting notes are more convenient with MS Teams. After the meeting, you would see the recording of the call in the same tab. So don’t fret if you ever miss the meeting. Among many benefits of Microsoft Teams you can watch the recording and find the meeting notes as well as the agreed actions of the majority.

Benefits of Microsoft Teams

Connectivity throughout devices

Anywhere you are, you can access Teams. It allows you to stay connected and access your resources anytime. You can install it on your phone if you wish to respond to your chats and conversations easily and have immediate access to your documents. In few clicks, you can work with your team and join meetings. Hence, you won’t miss anything even if you’re on the move.

Data Security in MS Teams

Microsoft services are trustworthy. They consistently offer secure and trusted platforms, and MS Teams is not excluded. In this application, you can have full data encryption to improve your security. MS Team also ensures the protection of their clients and users.

Customized Teamwork Tools

There are tons of teamwork tools you can use to improve your team’s performance. They are designed to boost productivity and improve communication within your team. Office 365 is included in the platform, Microsoft Graph, and many more, working across diverse devices and platforms. What’s more, is you can customize it all to optimize your workflow.

Indeed, MS Teams is the savior of every team in businesses. You can’t find other apps that can give more than MS Teams can. If you wish to improve your familiarity with this app, training will do. This will help you unleash more of the advantages of MS Teams services.

Sharpen Your Skills With MS Teams Training

MS Teams comes with many benefits- and you may already have insights into some of them. It brings your team together. Leveraging MS Teams, you’d be able to enjoy its advantages. It has many things to offer, and you can optimize your usage of this service! But how?

With the help of Microsoft Teams Consulting, you can sharpen your skills in using the platform. MS Teams Training starts by teaching you how to set up your teams or join existing teams. While you’re on this discussion, you will also learn how to sort your team’s interface and engage in conversation with its chat features.

Having proper training, you’ll be aware of every detail, such as how to share files with your co-workers or department and how to start a meeting with video and audio.

Being guided by MS Teams Experts, they will also explain how to add extra functionality with the use of bots, apps, and connectors. Moreover, they are here to assist as you customize your user and administrator settings. Once you don leveraging your MS Teams, you would be able to start private chats, create other forms of documents, and integrate your teamwork tools.

They will help you plan and implement infrastructure in the Teams to divide and complete employees’ tasks and meet your company’s desired outcomes. Well, some more learnings and tips await you once you indulge yourself with MS Teams Training.


You can expect to gain familiarity with the application and its services. The training covers topics that will help you take advantage of MS Teams. You sure don’t want to miss the opportunity to maximize your app usage and reap the benefits of Microsoft Teams. With MS Teams Training, you can power up your experience!

Errin OConnor

Errin OConnor

With over 25 years of experience in Information Technology and Management Consulting, Errin O’Connor has led hundreds of large-scale enterprise implementations from Business Intelligence, Power BI, Office 365, SharePoint, Exchange, IT Security, Azure and Hybrid Cloud efforts for over 165 Fortune 500 companies.

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