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Is Microsoft Power BI POC Your New Online Dashboard App?

Microsoft Power BI POC

A technical Microsoft Power BI POC is a supportive Business intelligence platform for validating assumptions about unknown risks. Every organization needs to mitigate vulnerabilities and requires a proactive Business intelligence platform to address unknown risks. These Cloud-based sources and on-premises such as Salesforce, Azure SQL DB, SharePoint, Dynamics 365, and Office 365. It assists the […]

Top 50 Business Intelligence Statistics and Trends For 2022

Business Intelligence Statistics

Industry statistics and trends change each year, but the last year or so was provided with unique situations amidst the onset of the coronavirus pandemic. Companies were forced to create advanced and unique solutions in the face of all the challenges, which come with a remote world. The Business intelligence sector is no exception to […]

Relation Between Business Intelligence and Decision Making For Reducing Risk

Business Intelligence and Decision Making

In today’s world of business, it’s vital to understand your business, and what’s going on outside it. This is where business intelligence can help. So, what exactly is business intelligence? What is Business Intelligence?   Business Intelligence is the term that stands for business intelligence is used to describe the collection and presentation of data […]

What Is Operational Business Intelligence?

Operational Business Intelligence

Operational business intelligence is the key to success for any company working in the real world. Being able to see what is happening in the business at all times is crucial to making good decisions and reaching the bottom line. Smart and calculated decision-making is an increasing trend in business operations. If you want to […]

Business Intelligence Reports For Data-Driven Decision Making.

Business Intelligence Reports e1655834795399

These days, big data plays an important role in intelligent reporting, business information, and online data analysis. Organizations should adapt to the data’s ambiguity and act correspondingly. Spreadsheets no longer offer enough solutions for a serious business to assess and use all the business data collected. That’s where Business Intelligence Report comes to the rescue. It’s […]

Microsoft BI Approach for Business Intelligence Security

According to the ComputerWorld survey, about 50% of businesses increase their IT security budget allocation, while 41% see analytic tools as investments. In another survey, 35% of the companies see Business Intelligence Security concerns as their biggest obstacles to data analysis. Importance of Data Security in BI Tools  Organizations that invest in data safety through business intelligence […]

Business Intelligence Advisors For Advanced Analytics

Using Business Intelligence (BI) tools gives an organization the opportunities to access and analyze datasets and then present analytical findings in maps, charts, graphs, dashboards, summaries, and reports. That is why taking advantage of business intelligence advisors makes sense to reap the best BI tools. According to 360Suite, the global business intelligence adoption rate was 26 percent as […]

Embedded Intelligence for (IoT) smart process and services

Embedded Intelligence

‘Embedded Intelligence’ refers to the capability of a certain product, service, or process to evaluate and contemplate its performance. As well as the ability to handle the workload or its own working environment. This in turn leads to performance enhancement further resulting in the ultimate user satisfaction. Thus, while designing a certain product or service, […]

The Do’s and Don’ts of Building a Data Warehouse

Building Data Warehouse

A large collection of business data that is utilized to help the organizations make decisions is known as Data Warehouse. The data warehouse concept came into being in the 1980s when building a data warehouse assisted a transition from just improving the operations to being a bit more supportive of the systems that are used […]

How To Build Business Intelligence Strategy and Roadmap

Business Intelligence Strategy and Roadmap

With the growing significance of Business Intelligence, businesses from all over the world are making efforts to leverage technology using different Business Intelligence strategy. It is common for people in management to jump on the bandwagon considering all the benefits you can get from BI. Not investing in BI is equivalent to losing market share, […]