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Enterprise Reporting To Gain Insights From Data and Make Smart Business Decisions

Enterprise reporting is a method of removing, processing, shaping, analyzing, demonstrating and broadcasting data in the organization. It uses enterprise reporting gears to shape the data into diagrams and other visualizations. It offers a variety of interactivity, so operators can discover business complications and make data-driven conclusions via the reports.

The essential steps of enterprise reporting are composing reports based on the business information, allocating reports, and supervising the reports.

In the primary stage, you can create the different business reports by the enterprise reporting tool. The enterprise reporting tool benefits by setting physical reports as report prototypes to comprehend the automation of the business reports. Then, the reporting engine issues these reports to the reporting doorway to permit non-technical end-user’s access. The enterprise reporting portal also assists in organizing as well as managing reports rendering to business matters to simplify the process of finding the reports easily for the users.

What are different Challenges in Enterprise Reporting:

  1. Lack of a proper strategy:

Administrations should proactively define the difficulties& they are trying to resolve. Only then there is a way that they will be able to detect the right solution that is going to suit their requirements for the perfect enterprise reporting.

Framing a strategy before executing a solution is very vital as it tells you the precise aces and ploys of that specific solution and can evade mix-up which may lead to the failure of the execution. Attempting to make a report without the essential requirements for achievement in place is going to be a lot frustrating, expensive. The failure chances are increased in such scenarios.

  1. Understandable Reports:

These days, it is kind of difficult for the executives to get access to the right data at the right time. And even if they do get access as to what they were looking for, dataset are characteristically so compound and shapeless that it’s quite hard to find out relevant data.

However, until and unless Excel is being used extensively, there won’t be much of a satisfaction from the reports and you won’t generate interactive BI reports that are actually readable for the users.

A decent practice would be to swap the Excel Sheets with spontaneous dashboards. It makes the data more engaging, eloquent and ultimately very influential.

A self-service business intelligence solution like Power BI allows the executives to generate customized enterprise reports. It take less time with slight participation of IT as soon as the complete solution is implemented.

  1. Lack of Training & Execution:

A lot of times, organizations might have well-articulated requirements, a thorough strategy, and a decent tool key, but lack of practical skills like designing, constructing, upholding, and supportive BI applications. This results in applications to run deliberately, break often, deliver indefinite results and ultimately leading to the rising charges of using the adequate solution. Hence, Training in BI solutions becomes a critical part of entire process.

  1. Business Intelligence with unstructured data:

Most of the time data is amorphous for BI to analyse. This led to a problem when users need to perform simple BI procedures. They may result in people spending hours and hours on arranging the data first and then using the business intelligence solution.

A solution which can be loaded with programmed ETL capabilities to develop data sets that need to be reorganized will be an actual solution here. This is going to permit the users to generate a sole basis. As well as a front-end with data visualization proficiencies. Ideally, the back-end of the explanation would be able to employ the data for it to be analyzed in the front-end.

Hence, the front-end is then going to allow the users to visualize data in dashboards, reports and graphs using reporting tools like Power BI.

  1. Installation and Deployment:

A painful business intelligence solution setting up and deployment would be very difficult to uphold. Even an unintended & quick deployment would be ineffective so often. Doing this may leave users void with time to comprehend the system and develop the skills using the solution excellently.

Executives can jot down all the business problems and rather than expecting to unravel every commercial problem all at once, they can try to prioritize precise results that they want to achieve. They can solve the matters successively until they have incrementally resolved all the difficulties on the list and then think of instigating a solution.

Enterprise Reporting

How to create a roadmap and strategy for Enterprise Data:

  1. Choose a Sponsor:

In an ideal world, your choice to sponsor the plan and get buy-in from other top employees ought to be an executive-level leader. You need participation and arrangement on the image of business intelligence in the company, you can also generate reports from your mobile phones.

Keep your sponsor updated with the progress of your business intelligence strategy. When you have tossed your BI platform, and it’s working as you wanted it to, engender some valuable, visible reports which you can share with your sponsor, keep things transparent with him/her.

  1. Choose your platform:

Prioritize choosing Business intelligence platforms that have these followings features:

Access of relevant data and understandable authentic content.

Interactivity with data inside of a graphic interface. Capability to dive deeper into information and determine new visions on your own. Endorse new vision discoveries to an administered atmosphere in a bottom-up approach.

  1. Get the key stakeholders involvement:

BI also needs monetary data, but that doesn’t mean it’s only the investment department’s concern. You should fetch an idea from every team that have direct or indirect involvement . Get the key investors intricate early and interview them.

Question them about what they think of your usage of data in work, what is working the finest for them, and what is not. Use those opinions to improve your reports.

  1. Assemble your team:

Your team is going to be accountable for implementation of your strategy. You can have people accomplish several purposes if your association is small. Moreover, these platforms ensure that reports and dashboards are available and approachable to everyone. You can always use external Power BI Consultant if you don’t have an inhouse team.

  1. Formulate your data substructure:

Business intelligence should have strong databases to accomplish an accurate analysis. Conventionally, BI platforms import data from a data granary. With modern BI, you can analyze data from various sources. We distinguish between two types of data: trusted and untrusted.

Reliable data is stowed in databases or simply imported into databases such as worksheets, client relationship management (CRM) data, financial information, etc. Data that is not reliable is data such as emails, conversations with customers, business processes, images, news items, trade journals, etc. You can bring untrusted data into a ruled and safe atmosphere for scrutiny.

Creating roadmap:

The Business Intelligence team should make a roadmap for the execution of your strategy. Things to be kept in mind while making a roadmap:

  1. Keep trail of milestones and dependencies such as when your information hayloft will be ready.
  2. Keep your judgement on the future.
  3. Be very proactive and not very reactive.


According to the resourceful construction of business intelligence, the BI is divided into three levels: display, analysis, and support.

The central one is the data conception technology at the show level. In spite of the dissimilar order of scale and the prerequisite for a thorough analysis, data visualization technology can fulfil the most basic BI goals-transforming data into information and supplementary predictive decision-making whereas the enterprise reporting is the primary data conception technology in most enterprises.

Therefore, business intelligence is a wider category that includes data indulgence, perform reporting, analytics, and visualization functions whereas enterprise reporting is a more precise category within BI. Also, the features of an enterprise reporting tool can be linked with a business intelligence software suite.



Enterprise reporting should have the feature of database normalization which gives you the benefits of:

  • Penetrating, organizing, and making indexes faster, because the tables are narrower, and so more rows fit on a data page.
  • Index searching is often quicker, since indexes tend to be slenderer and shorter.
  • You can reduce data amendment differences.
  • Normalization is supposedly cleaner and easier to maintain.
  1. ALERTS:

Decision makers need instant notification of threshold openings of serious business KPIs. These alerts need to be sent to various devices like laptops, mobile phones in dissimilar forms like email, sound, voice message, text messages, etc. depending on user preferences.


Enterprises have massive concern over the unsanctioned access to business’s serious data, hacking by malevolent sources, involuntary leakage of business data, etc. You need to cautiously detach safety outline before employing reporting.


Operators have their own predilections as to how and from where to use the tool which is why flexibility needs to be there to safeguard that users come to the identical source of information repeatedly and not find alternate ways to decision making.


Some Active Directory reports are assignment critical and hence, needs regular monitoring. However, it is impossible to be hooked to the reports all the time. Automating Active Directory report generation and email notifications are the solution to this problem.


One of the very important features of the enterprise reporting, the General Ledger Report gives you the details of every transaction that is happening in the accounts. These transactions are created whenever you issue invoices, track your Expenses, accept Payments or any other transaction.


Knowledge full interactivity with charts including categorization, clarifying, conditional formatting, string search, zoom in and out, along with arrangement changes that can be kept for re-use.


Grasp the entire control of your report design. Every part of the report-visualizations, text, images, and more can be structured to the individual pixel. Meet any supervisory requirements or simply just be precise with the reports.


Distribute your reports the way you want such as printed documents and PDFs or as completely interactive web content. Enterprise reports can be accessible in PDF, XLS, JSON and various other formats.

MICROSOFT POWER BI As Enterprise Reporting Tool:

Microsoft Power BI is an assortment of business intelligence tools such as data connectors, applications, and software facilities. Moreover, many Power BI consultants checks that it is encumbered with analytics and data visualization features, including:

  1. Enterprise-wide Reports

This feature permits the users to reasonably and proficiently scale reporting and even relate with the reports.

  1. Scheduled Reports

Through this feature, commercial owners can take benefit of automated reports that are created on strategic time.

  1. Ad hoc Reports

Power BI lets the users produce ad hoc e-commerce sales reports.

  1. Paginated Reports

This feature allows the users to share paginated reports as they are suitable and well-formatted on a sheet.

  1. Embedded Reports

Lastly, with embedded reports, operators can see the information that matters to them within the occupational applications. This skill also puts data visualization in another app context.

EPC GROUP’S APPROACH For Reporting Enterprise Big Data:

Power BI is Microsoft’s comparatively new collaborating data picturing and analytics tool. It can be used to extract data from a huge variety of schemes in both the cloud as well as on-premises and create dashboards that track the important metrics you are most concerned with.

It comprises an outstanding variety of conceptions, and you can always add more, either by downloading or by producing your own with the open-source Power BI Custom Visual Tool. That way you can also look up for data rapidly in a conference without getting lost in superficially boundless charts and figures. The Power KPI custom visualization converts several report types into a single tile.

Thanks to Power BI’s modest conceptions and proficiencies, the Power BI consultant at EPC Group uses their expert knowledge of data to permit their clients to make well-informed verdicts. Similarly, by providing them with comprehensive business intelligence resolutions from data storage tower to data discovery that generate a full picture of corporate creativities and improves decision making.


Enterprise reporting tools appear basic in concept, as it aids the very precise function of generating and sharing reports. However, the divergences among vendors are superficial when estimating features.

Enterprise reporting can be very useful for an organization as it helps keep the business operations in check. Although most of the reporting gears share analogous proficiencies at their core, their functions distinguish the design and circulation capabilities of each system. Moreover, Enterprise reporting mostly focus on business metrics, which leads to more through analytics and faster turnarounds. With enterprise reporting systems, business predictors can rapidly constitute interactive fixed reports, dashboards and have IT specialists’ complete ad hoc queries and data discovery.

Errin OConnor

Errin OConnor

With over 25 years of experience in Information Technology and Management Consulting, Errin O’Connor has led hundreds of large-scale enterprise implementations from Business Intelligence, Power BI, Office 365, SharePoint, Exchange, IT Security, Azure and Hybrid Cloud efforts for over 165 Fortune 500 companies.

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