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Understanding What Is ERP In Simple Terms?

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In this modern generation, the ERP system has created its buzz in very little time. It is prevalent among every kind of business as it eases the data management and evaluates the sale.

There is a lot of information available on many internet sources. But we will give you a piece of precious information about ERP in a pretty simple way, in layman’s language. Continue reading to know.

What Is An ERP system in Layman’s Terms?

The business is vast management, and you use this term to include dozens of working pieces of equipment and several complex processes. In any business, there may be many departments in which one handles the sales management, another one the human resources, one dealing with data of all the workers, and many other departments for other works. An ERP system manages and controls all the data of mentioned departments through a high-level system in a single system. Let us read about the working of the ERP system.

Understanding ERP

How Does The ERP System Work?

An ERP is a system that combines the various features of different software in a single system. When you use this software, you may save plenty of time for many other targets and vanish all the business hurdles that appear to grow the business. Anyone can use this system as it is very to access. With the help of this system, you will track your time, manage your project, schedule resources, and invoice reports in only one system. An EPR system is a cloud-based system so that you can use and access the data of ERP from anywhere. Now let us read the features and services provided by the ERP system.

Features of ERP

An ERP system is consisting of the following things:-

  • The main component of ERP is CRM (Customer Relationship Management ). Although there is a significant difference between CRM vs ERP
  • Planning of Product and purchase
  • To manage the sales
  • Planning of Manufacturing and delivery of the product
  • It stores a streamlined management
  • Also manages the invoice, billing, and payments of their staff members. 
  • An ERP can also manage multiple Branch
  • ERP system is an automatic system that analyzes and modern reports.
  • This system can also share many files and multiple documents at one time.
  • Along with these features, this system can also manage all the business’s financial and accounting data.
ERP and Big Data

What is the function of the ERP system?

The ERP system originated through a straightforward database. ERP system will allow you to access your data related to your business through various activities. ERP system is laced with such features that it can help different kinds of businesses to communicate with their workers. This system allows performing a specific function at one time with accurate data. The data available in ERP is real-time based that provides an informed business and makes decisions faster using predictive analytics.

The specific functions of business such as various human resources, finance management, production of products, marketing, and sales and purchases, provide the up to date business-related information.

What are different Types of ERP system

The ERP system consists of several resources, like accounting and sales. The features can be merged to give the most reliable results. They are of mainly three types:-


Cloud based ERP system is generated on a platform of cloud computing but not on on-premise.


The ERP system based on the on-premise system can be installed on your computers.

Hybrid ERP

This type of ERP is called two-tier, which is the most straightforward ERP system. This can also work on cloud-based and on-premise.

Cloud based ERP benefits

Why Is ERP Important For Any Business?

ERP systems can be used by large businesses and as well as small businesses also. It has the following importance:-

  1. Increase the Productivity

The growth of any business is based on their productivity and quality of the product. With the help of an ERP system, you can store valuable data and information within a single system in your need. This system will allow you to communicate with the help of data to their staff.

  1. Evaluate the decision

The ERP system can store accurate data and can automatically update the data. Whenever you need the data, they give the exact and factual information that helps staff members make quick decisions for their business. 

  1. Least chances of mistake

As the automatic function is the unique function and adds on the data regularly. This is the reason the chances of errors are the least in the available data.

Check out the detailed blog for benefits of ERP for your business automation. And ERP Strategy

EPCGroup approach for ERP implementation

EPCGroup has been a Microsoft Gold Certified Partner. We have an in-house 70+ Dynamics Business Central Consultant for ERP Consulting. You can check out the Microsoft ERP products and have an idea of the best-suited ERP system for your organization. You can also reach out to us for a free consultation.

Also, check out the Microsoft Dynamics ERP pricing and Microsoft Dynamics 365 ERP Consulting Services details for your reference.

EPC Group Microsoft Gold Partners

Final Words

An ERP is the best system to enhance every kind of business. A system that covers all the data related to your business. We hope that you gain all the information you need about ERP or enterprise resource planning through this article.

Errin OConnor

Errin OConnor

With over 25 years of experience in Information Technology and Management Consulting, Errin O’Connor has led hundreds of large-scale enterprise implementations from Business Intelligence, Power BI, Office 365, SharePoint, Exchange, IT Security, Azure and Hybrid Cloud efforts for over 165 Fortune 500 companies.

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