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What Is Big Data Security: Security Challenges For Organization Data .

Big Data Security

One of the main concerns of business companies is big data security. It is because the deployment of big data is a valuable target by those intruders. An initial ransomware attack may result to some ransom demands. And if worse comes to worst, any unauthorized access of a user or hacker can get your data and sell these valuable pieces of information to others. Thus, there might be severe losses on your part because of security risks. Your IP address may be scattered everywhere to some unauthorized buyers. As a result, you may face judgments and fines from regulators, resulting to huge reputational losses.

Securing platforms to bid data could take a blend of traditional security tools, intelligent procedures, and a contemporary developed set of tools for monitoring the whole security in the platform. The goal of big data security is to keep out any hacker, intrusion, or unauthorized user access with firewalls, end-user training, strong identification of users, IPS or the so-called Intrusion Protection Systems, and IDS or Intrusion Detection Systems.

Big data security is said to be essential to big companies and organizations. This is the core of their business company. That’s why business leaders of organizations tend to create business strategies and some innovative ways on how to address their concerns relative to security and data Governance.

There are numerous researchers who have found out that there are almost 40% of firms last 2016 which have expanded and implemented big data tech adoption. And another 30% are starting to adopt the big data for the succeeding months. Likewise, the Executive Survey for the Year 2016 on the Big data found out around 62.5% of firms now have at least a big data scheme in production. Furthermore, only 5.4% of the organizations don’t have initiatives on big data underway or planned.

Challenges in data security

Keeping track or monitoring the trends on big data is like tracking some daily shifts on the wind – there’s a change the moment you sense direction.

Open Source and Big Data

Applications in an open source such as Spark, Apache Hadoop, and others could dominate the space on big data. Moreover, this trend may likely continuously move forward. In fact, a survey found out that nearly 60% of enterprises could expect to have Hadoop clusters that may run in production at the year-end. Based on Forrester, Hadoop utilization continuously increases up to 32.9% every year. Many experts claim that in the year 2017, there are many enterprises that will expand the utilization of NoSQL and Hadoop technologies. They are also looking for some ways on how they can boost up the processing of their big data. Many of them are seeking some sorts of technologies that allow them in accessing and responding to data in real time.

In-Memory Tech

Many companies investigate this technology expecting that it can help them to boost the processing of big data. In a traditional database, data is warehoused in a storage system that is equipped with SSDs or hard drives. On the other hand, in-memory technology saves data in Random Access Memory (RAM), which is faster than the traditional one. There’s a report forecast from the Forrester Research that the “in-memory data” will grow up to 29.2% every year.

Machine Learning

Since there’s a progress in the big data analytics process, some enterprises started to invest in ML or Machine Learning. This is typically a branch of some artificial intelligence that focuses on allowing computers to explore new things even without being programmed. It means that it could analyze present big data storage to conclude which change of application it behaves. Based on the research of Gartner, ML becomes one of the trends for strategic technology. It was also noted that the most advance artificial intelligence and machine learning system are moving outside the old rule algorithms in creating systems which learn, understand, adapt, predict, and operate autonomously.

These are just some of the current trends talking about big data systems. And with these things, it is understandable that security on big data is indeed crucial to all business companies and organizations.

Here is the main reason why big data security is said to be essential to any type of business:

  • Risk assessment – An extensive data security analysts should start with risk assessment and overall strategy. It enables you to determine the possible risks which you may face. It will happen if ever valuable information or data is lost because of a system crash, theft, or malware infection. Some other potential threats to data security are physical threats like fire, theft, malicious damage, or power outage, a human error like input errors or unintended data disposal, exploitation from a corporate espionage, or other malicious activities. You may determine the areas of possible attack and could develop some security solutions or strategies to secure information and data systems.
  • Protection for the big data which are valuable to the company – Specific types of network security tool can help the business company to secure their valuable data which are needed for the business operations. Specific tools for data security are designed for user access control and threat detection whenever malware attacks or some possible risks may arise.

For strong security of data protection, business leaders could enhance their security challenges and options so that hackers and other unauthorized users can hardly penetrate the whole system. So, aside from the basic network security, there should be an additional feature or layer of security that could hinder someone for the attempt to access valuable big data. These security measures will surely help you and your company to protect your data from any malware attack or some malicious events that may happen online.

What are the Top Big Data Security Issues in Business?

There are several big data security issues and concerns that could affect businesses. Some of these issues are the following:

  • Accidental sharing – Data losses are not only because of sophisticated hackers or cybercriminals. In fact, true breaches of data are sometimes caused by the employees within the company who may accidentally share, mishandle, or misplace sensitive data.
  • Data theft by the employees – For some instances, there are also some employees who take advantage of their company. So, not only external threats and factors are the main problems of the company but also those internal threats. So, today’s businesses perform real-time security monitoring to avoid data theft by their own personnel within the company. Strong security on these big data is observed, and IT specialists are the ones looking for any possible threats in the company.
  • Ransomware – Some cyber threats gather media attention, resulting from fearing inheritance as attacks on ransomware. Most ransomware attacks from the level of an employee as phishing scams or other types of malicious communications could encourage devastating attacks.
  • Poor password hygiene – Most of the login credentials of the user control levels are vulnerable to hacking and some malicious activities. Some of their login details can easily be accessed by unauthorized users. Here is a study done by EPCGroup on Password Habits among Americans.
  • Bribery – Intellectual property and company data are extremely valuable. That’s why there are some instances that employees are being bribed by external individuals just to reveal the information which they badly need.
Password Hygiene for data security
Password Hygiene
Few More
  • Phishing emails – This is typically prominent this time and continuously increasing up to 250% every year. While this becomes prominent, increased information mining accessibility and new technology make these attacks sophisticated, which increases the possibility that hackers would successfully penetrate the IT systems.
  • Fraud – Passwords and email addresses are highly in demand by cybercriminals, which serve as the main stolen data in 64% and 70% of data breaches, respectively. These pieces of information can be utilized to deploy others. That’s why companies should be aware of how their data can be utilized against them.

These big data security issues and concerns in the business company should not be overlooked for them to protect their valuable massive data volumes.  

How to Secure Data Analytics Process in Big Data?

Data analytics in big data is a fundamental key to string security systems. These offer competitive advantages to businesses like better decision-making using predictive analytics, effective marketing, and an increase in ROI. As business leaders, you should learn why and how these big data analytics can be combined into your e-security solutions. For you to secure the big data in your company, you may also use some sorts of analytic tools that can help you with its security processes. With specific tools that you may use for your business, you can have the assurance that strangers or any unauthorized users will not be able to access your data sources.

What is User Access Control, Insider Threat Detection, Identifying Suspicious Activities, and BYOD Concept for Data Security?

To understand well how to secure big data in your company properly, it is a must to understand first some related terminologies that you may face along your way. Take a glimpse at the following terms that could help you a better understanding:

  • User Access Control – This helps you to avoid malware from PC damage. This could also help the organizations in deploying better-managed computers. With this, tasks and some applications run in the context of security of the account of the non-administrator unless otherwise, the administrator authorizes access to its system. User Access Control can hinder the auto-installation of unauthorized applications, which could help you prevent unintentional changes to the system of the settings.
  • Inside Threat Detection – This is a crucial step and approach in tracking or identifying inside threats made by your employee. If there’s a threat detection on the big data security in your company, you will be notified and can be easily determined the malicious activities.
  • Identifying Suspicious Activities – This is one of the important procedures which should not be overlooked by the companies. If there are some external and internal factors that are related to suspicious activities, then IT experts should identify them at once. This is to secure big data privacy and avoidance of information leakage.
  • BYOD Concept for Data Security – Bring-Your-Own Device approach is one of the essential ways on how to protect big data of the company. You don’t need to expose your confidential details to have access to strangers since they will use their own computer or device in doing such activity.

Terminologies that are mentioned above can help you to utilize data management systems in the company. It is important to understand and knowledgeable enough about important things for you to have strong security service with the business company.

BYOD - Big Data Security

Microsoft Power BI Approach for Big Data Security During Data Analytics Process

Microsoft Power BI allows you to scrutinize and envision your data across the company. It also gives you larger knowledge of your business performance and operations or security alerts, allowing informed decisions based on valuable and real information.

Another best thing about MS Power BI is its industry-leading hermetic security for data and serves as the best security intelligence model. This product has earned the top protection classifications available in the market. Even today, the majority of the financial institutions, national security agencies, and health care companies entrust it with their delicate data and role-based settings information.

EPC Group Approach for Big Data Security

EPC Group has several approaches and strategies on how to identify fake data, information mining , untrusted sources, access control, and big data governance practices. Dealing with this company allows you to make your business even more productive than ever. It also allows you to secure your immense data in an effective and efficient way.


Protecting your data involves an intricate process. But, depending on reliable platforms, apps, and software, everything works according to your plan.  With big data security, it is easy for you to keep out from any intruder or hacker.  You also don’t need to worry about unauthorized user access with firewalls. Since it brings strong identification of users, your data is fully secured. So, if you opt to protect your business, don’t hesitate to check out the services offered by EPC Group. They truly provide the best services you need for your company.

Errin OConnor

Errin OConnor

With over 25 years of experience in Information Technology and Management Consulting, Errin O’Connor has led hundreds of large-scale enterprise implementations from Business Intelligence, Power BI, Office 365, SharePoint, Exchange, IT Security, Azure and Hybrid Cloud efforts for over 165 Fortune 500 companies.

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