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Embedded Reports: What Is Embedded Reporting

Embedded Reporting

Organizations nowadays use embedded reporting for their business operations. Are you new to this business tool? If yes, this article will guide you about embedded reporting. 

Introduction to Embedded Reporting & Business Intelligence

What is the Embedded report definition?

Embedded Reporting is the process of incorporating business intelligence reporting tools like charts and customizable dashboards into other software applications. On the other hand, Business Intelligence is a procedure of displaying and collecting data in a way that it’s easy to analyze and digest. Moreover, these business reports include different aspects of the organization like sales, marketing, and other operations. 

Business intelligence covers different aspects of analytics and data, but the report writer focuses on data presentation in the easiest manner for actionable and understandable visualization. This reporting solution is beneficial to create actionable insights to produce better results. 

Embedded business intelligence provides capabilities to create standard reports or custom design ad-hoc reports using a report designer, these include interactive dashboards, data analysis, predictive analytics reporting, and more within the organization along with the capability to export reports.

With Self-service embedded reporting, team members can view reports and data directly within the most used business applications. In addition, it can motivate teams to improve their performance and productivity in doing their duties and responsibilities in an organization. 

Embedded reporting can provide deeper insights that can help your employees to make better decisions to deliver higher success in their daily tasks. They are highly efficient for Embedded Intelligence systems in enterprises.

Benefits of Business Intelligence Tools

It can’t be denied that embedded reporting continues to rise these days among enterprises for smarter business decisions. If you want to build your data strategy, here are some trends in embedded reporting.

Businesses will move beyond BI to data experiences to make better decisions 

Most businesses ‘ success depends on Express Reports and dashboards to understand how their business operates. Making data experiences with analytics software vendors will still be a trend this year for better Business visualization. It allows the team to interact with data and make a more efficient data strategy directly.

End users will embed analytics with self-service components 

Team members will engage more in learning about their company. Embedded reporting comes with self-service capabilities that will help employees to access the data they need to improve the quality of their job. Embedded reporting also has interactive visualizations that can enhance collaboration among employees.  

Composable analytics will be prevalent 

Another trend in embedded reporting is that composable analytics will be prevalent. With its analytics capabilities, embedded reporting can be integrated into a data platform that can help organizations to make composable analytics.      

ML/ AI will be infused to embedded workflows 

Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence will be infused into embedded workflows. With adverse reports, your employees can get ML/AI insights for campaign and web analytics. 

Data application developer communities will rise 

This year, it is expected that data application developer communities will rise. Organizations will deploy a data application platform to make these data experiences. In the future, companies will develop data apps and experiences to increase the collective knowledge of the organization. 

There we go, so that is the list of current trends in embedded reporting and how it is becoming a core application in organizations.

What Are The Uses and Core Functionality of Embedded Reporting for Organization over Native Reporting

With the help of a business intelligence platform, many organizations and business users today can easily access Self-service Reporting with embedded reporting. The following are the uses and benefits of an embedded reporting platform for the organization.

  • Reduce ongoing costs: Embedded reporting is beneficial to reduce ongoing costs. The embedded code doesn’t change regularly, so you can easily change and update data. It also provides easy to use dashboard and user interface. Moreover, it doesn’t require tech support, maintenance, and upgrades upon its use. 
  • Reduce initial costs: Part of running a successful business is to lower the costs of business processes. Fortunately, embedded reporting can provide you efficient tools that can reduce onboarding time. There’s also no need for ongoing costs for technical resources. With an embedded system, you don’t need to spend for the technical support team since embedded analytics can be easily set up in just minutes. 
  • Improve productivity: The good thing about embedded reporting is that you can spend less time changing back and forth using various applications and tools. Thus, you can integrate it to other platforms that your business use. It is easy and efficient to use, which can also enhance the productivity of your team. You also take advantage of business metadata management for better document management.
  • Enhance customer satisfaction: By using embedded reporting in your organization, you can enhance the experience of your customers. With that, they became satisfied with your products or services. In return, you can increase your business sales.
  • Improves decision making: One of the benefits of using embedded analytics tools is that you can get helpful insights and visual analysis that can improve decision-making using predictive analytics in your enterprises. It can also inspire your team to develop new products and services that can expand your business.

Few More

  • Boost your business revenue: With embedded reporting, you can boost the revenue of your business. It can help to improve your applications and make them more attractive to users. With this, you can also reach a wide audience, that can turn to be your potential customers. 
  • Builds a bridge between action and information: Embedded system provides BI report developers with helpful insights to make easy operational and analytical functions. With embedded reporting and business intelligence, your team can understand the context they need to improve their business’ profitability. 
  • Offers a competitive edge: Among the top contributions of the embedded reporting functionality in an organization is providing you a competitive edge. It can provide an intuitive interface and allows you to access useful information that helps to handle issues that your business may encounter. You can also use it to enhance customer experience and get their trust for your business. 
  • Security and management: It can also increase business security. Thus, you have control over the user permissions through integration with your admin and security systems. When it comes to management, you can control the dashboard and reporting using administrative controls offered by reporting tools. 

What Are The Goals for Embedded Reporting

Embedded reporting is widely used in organizations today. Are you curious what are the goals for embedded reporting? Read more to find out the answer. 

The goal of embedded reporting is to provide your business with an application that has reporting tool without compromising the Rich visualization,  branding, or feel of the host application. It is also beneficial to enhance the use of your data application by empowering your developers to embed and make extended reports, visualizations, and dashboards. 

The end goal for embedded reporting is to help your end-users to analyze, perform multi-dimensional analysis and view data relevant to their daily business without the need to develop your own reporting and business intelligence tools. Some organizations use embedded reporting for external users like customers to make and view reports in the web portal.

Another goal of embedded reporting is to provide self-service reporting. With self-service analytics, your team can make and edit reports directly to improve decision-making within your enterprises. It is designed to help businesses grow while reducing the workload and costs.

Embedded reporting using Microsoft Power BI as a business intelligence Software

Microsoft Power BI is among the trusted business intelligence software today by enterprises for creating Pixel-perfect reports. It can be your efficient tool for embedded reporting. It is equipped with business intelligence tools you can use to enhance your business processes. Moreover, it provides rich data visualization that comes with great dashboards in the full-screen option.

Aside from embedded reporting, it also has real-time analytics, extensive modeling, and custom development. The Microsoft Power BI has a Windows desktop app known as Power BI Desktop, Power BI mobile app that you can access in iOS, Windows, and Android devices for better data visualization. It also has an online SaaS software service, namely the Power BI service. 

These 3 elements are made to help businesses gain better insights to improve decision-making. Meanwhile, the software also has its 4th element called Power BI Report Server. It lets you make Power BI reports to the on-premises report server after you create them in Power BI Desktop. 

What are Microsoft Power BI capabilities as Embedded Reporting tools

The Microsoft Power BI is a self-service BI tool that provides your employees with data analytics. It can help you make data models before sharing reports in your organization. 

You can use Power BI Desktop to make reports, data models, and data connections. You can build a Power BI report by connecting data sources. Then, users can query the data to make reports according to their needs. You can publish the report in Power BI Service and share it to allow mobile, and cloud users can interact and see the report. 

The Power BI service allows you to share reports allowing users to interact and view the reports. You can also add permissions to your team to edit the reports, limit their access to edit or make dashboards. 

The Microsoft Power BI has a collection of apps that can be accessed on a mobile device, SaaS product, or on your desktop. Well, the components of Power BI are useful for your organization. The Power BI Service is the cloud-based service, while Power BI Desktop is the on-premises version, and the mobile Power BI can be accessed on mobile devices. You can check the pricing for Power BI Embedded.

Microsoft Power BI has efficient reporting tools which include the following:

  • Power Pivot – tool for memory tabular data modeling 
  • Power Query – tool for data transformation and mashup
  • Thirdly, Power Q&A – it’s a natural language question and answering tool 
  • Power Map – it is a tool for 3D geospatial data visualization
  • Lastly, Power View – tool for data visualization 

Generally, the Microsoft Power BI can be an effective business intelligence software that can enhance productivity and efficiency in your company. 

In addition, you can also connect Power BI to different data sources like databases, files, and other online services like Facebook, Adobe Analytics, Google Analytics, and more. 

Power BI Analytics Capabilities for embedded reports creation and sharing

The Power BI is loaded with functional features you can use for embedded report creation and sharing. Let us dive into the Power BI report builder features

  • Power Query: You can use it to transform and integrate data to the Power BI web service. You can share the data across different models and users for better Data Visualization. 
  • Hybrid deployment support: With this feature, your organization can have a business intelligence tool that can be connected to various data sources. It also enables the automatic analytic applications to information through making data subsets with the Quick Insights feature.
  • Common data model: This Power BI feature lets you access extensible database construction or schemas. 
  • Power BI dashboard: It can be embedded with other software products using APIs. 
  • Customization feature: This feature helps you change the appearance of Data Visualization tools. You can also import tools to the platform.
  • Complex data models: You can divide it to separate diagrams with the modeling view. The properties can be viewed, set, and modified based on the requirement. 
  • Cortana integration on mobile devices: Another unique feature of Microsoft Power BI is the Cortana integration on mobile devices. It enables the users to verbally query data using natural language. It is Microsoft’s digital assistant. 
  • Quick insights: With this feature, your team can make data subsets and apply analytics to that information automatically. 
  • Artificial intelligence: In Microsoft Power BI, you can use text analytics and image recognition. You can make machine learning models with automated machine learning capabilities. You can also integrate it with Azure Machine Learning. 
  • APIs for integration: It can offer developers application performance interfaces and sample code for embedding Power BI dashboards in other software. 

Using these features of Microsoft Power BI can enhance the efficiency and productivity within your organization. 

EPC Group approach for implementing Embedded Solutions

EPC Group has an approach for implementing embedded solutions. They provide expert consulting for Power BI and develop governed strategies in optimizing and curating data for analytics solutions. They establish the right analytics to meet the expectations and needs of their clients.

The EPC Group believes that there’s a strong connection between data and enhanced decision-making in business. With that, they develop the important requirements to provide a business intelligence game plan that will ensure security, data governance as well as adoption using the Power BI analytics platform.

Microsoft Gold Partner USA


To sum it up, Embedded Reporting is advanced reporting that reduces wasted resources and time while offering essential data for team members to enhance their efficiency and productivity.

Errin OConnor

Errin OConnor

With over 25 years of experience in Information Technology and Management Consulting, Errin O’Connor has led hundreds of large-scale enterprise implementations from Business Intelligence, Power BI, Office 365, SharePoint, Exchange, IT Security, Azure and Hybrid Cloud efforts for over 165 Fortune 500 companies.

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