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Microsoft Azure Purview Pricing: Unified Data Governance Service

Azure Purview

In the contemporary age, with data being considered an essential asset to an organization, the equally efficient use of the data is crucial. The concept of ‘Data Governance’ has evolved in reference to this concept. To simply state, the term Data Governance is a collection of certain roles, processes, or metrics. It is designed for ensuring the effective use of raw organizational data in the performance of certain business processes. With the boom in globalization, global organizations across all industries are capable of producing large volumes of data that pose a difficult challenge for organizations with respect to deriving insights. In this blog, we will discuss Azure Purview pricing as a data governance tool.

In order to tackle above mentioned challenges and subsequently increase the value of the business insights derived from the raw data, a proper data governance mechanism is an essential requirement. In addition to the basic advantages, the governance system helps the user company to make more informed decisions. Moreover, it comes with using real-time insights which can be considered a comprehensive advantage.

What is Azure Purview: Meaning and role in Data Governance

It is a unique service developed by Microsoft which was introduced in 2020 in the public preview format. The service is designed to provide the user organization with a unified data governance structure. It facilitates the data management procedure in all environments including on-premises, cloud environments as well as with the software as a service data.

The features of the application include the ability to create a data map across organizational datasets. Also, it provides automated data discovery of sensitive information, classification of the sensitive data, and data lineage of the whole data landscape. All these features are essential for performing data governance and thus Azure Purview is one such service that has the ability to enhance the data governance capacity of the user company.

How Data Governance Works

What is Azure Purview Pricing Structure:

The Azure Purview is a unified Data governance service. It aids data analysts in maximizing the business value of data acquired from hybrid sources. Additionally, this implies that the Data Purview Map makes automated scanning and classification of data possible with scalability in a hybrid data landscape. In addition to this, the Azure Data Catalog enables self-serve data discovery for accelerating data analytics.

The Azure Purview Pricing Structure can be enumerated in the following manner:-

Azure Purview Data Map –

This is the fundamental part of managing data governance in the cloud platform. A Data Map requires an additional capacity unit for every 2GB of metadata storage that is needed by the organization. The price structure can be stated as follows:

Capacity Unit$0.411 per 1 Capacity Unit hour Free in preview
Azure Purview Data Map

Automated Scanning and Classification –

In the Azure Purview pricing range, the billing of the automated filling of the Data Map is usually serverless. Moreover, it is done on the basis of either the hours of scanning or ingestion jobs. The meaning of scan or ingestion jobs involves the scanning of datasets for metadata and lineage extraction, an inspection of content, and automatic ingestion of entities from an Azure Data Factory. The pricing structure is as follows:

For Power BI PremiumFree in preview
For SQL PoolFree in preview
For other data sources$0.63 per 1 vCore hour

Other characteristics –

A resource set is a feature that is built-in with custom classifiers that are used in optimizing the storage of datasets that are associated with partitioned files within data lakes. The price structure is :

Resource Set$0.21 per 1 vCore hour Free in preview

Azure Purview pricing for Data Catalog –

The Data Catalog is designed atop Azure Data Map for the purpose of usage by business analysts. The pricing structure is as follows:

Service     Features               Price
C0Searching and browsing data assets Creating glossaries, lineage visuals, and Catalog insightsIncluded in the Data Map
C1Business Workflows      Free in preview
D0Catalog insights Sensitive data classification       Free in preview

What are the the advantages Unified Data Governance:

In the modern world, the key to successful operational business intelligence lies in acquiring large volumes of data. Later, tactfully harnessing the power of the raw data, and attaining valuable business insights. These later prove beneficial in meeting the desired organizational goals of the user company. In simple words, the term Unified Data Governance is a collection of procedures that consolidate the multiple data sources to create a single comprehensive data narrative across a landscape of data storage options within the organization.

Azure Purview benefits as unified Data Governance

This implies that the concept provides the user companies with a competitive advantage over the others in the market. The benefits of using a Unified Data Governance structure can be categorized as follows:-

  • Aids in the process of creating a trustworthy data foundation
  • Breaking down silos with the organizational data strategy becomes easier
  • Provides actionable insights about organizational data.

Azure Purview Data Map: Influence on effective data usage and governance

The Data Map is one of the Components. It is a unified map of the datasets within a user organization that is designed to aid the effective governance of the data landscape. In simple words, the Data Map is a knowledge graph that is the explanation of the Data Catalog and the constituent features that are provided with it. The Data Map feature is scalable and robust to the extent of tackling the business needs of the enterprise.

Azure Data Catalog: Uses

The Data Catalog in Azure Purview pricing consists of three types of features available in distinct levels which can be categorized in the following manner:-

  • Free
  • C1
  • D0

The free level of the feature is equipped with the search and browse capabilities within the dataset library. However, it is one of the most comprehensive ways of searching for data assets that have been scanned and registered.

The C1 level of the Data Catalog provides access to multiple features like a

  • Business glossary,
  • Visualization of data lineage, and
  • Insights in the Catalog.

While the business glossary provides various definitions for business users, the visualizations in data lineage are used for performing actions like root cause analysis. The Catalog insights on the other hand are additional visualizations that help the user gain a better understanding of the data assets.

Finally, the D0 level in the Data Catalog involves the concept of Data sensitivity which is one of the most crucial concerns for organizations. The sensitivity labels present in Microsoft 365 can be extended within Azure Purview too by turning on the information protection in the Microsoft compliance center.

Identifying Sensitive Information: Use of Microsoft Information Protection Sensitive Labels.

Elements of data Governance

It is designed to identify sensitive information in a hassle-free method. This data is then classified and displayed in the search results that are accessed by authorized users. This setup can be enabled in the following manner:-

  • Select on the data sources and choose the one that Purview is capable to scan
  • Select register and click on the data source. If the user has a previous Azure account, then the data can be directly collected from the data sources within Azure.
  • These sensitive data can be categorized on the basis of tree views and managed identity according to the applicable data privacy law.

Using Azure Purview to discover data assets: Power BI and Azure Synapse Analytics perspective

Azure Purview For Power BI and SAAS Multi Cloud

The components are designed to provide users with the ability to create maps across the hybrid data landscape and discover new data assets through the automatic data discovery feature.  This process can be completed through a process that involves the following phases:-

  • Creating maps for the organizational data across hybrid data sources.
  • Enabling the process of discovering crucial data.
  • Discovering data helps in deriving business insights.

The process of discovering data assets using along with Power BI and Azure Synapse Analytics involves the following steps:-

  • Begin with scanning the Power BI environment and Azure Synapse Analytics workspace through a number of clicks and automatically start publishing all the discovered data assets and lineage into the Purview Data Map.
  • Connecting Azure Purview with the Azure Data Factory instances for collecting the data integration lineages in an automated structure.
  • Analyze and determine the insights and reports that exist without much effort.

Azure Purview Consultation: An EPC Group Approach

While the market at present is crowded with data management tools and services. Moreover, the process of successful implementation of these can be possible only through the help of expert consultation partners. The Azure services is a comprehensive cloud-based platform that is equipped with several unique tools. It provides the user company the required flexibility to perform the internal business processes. In this context, the EPC Group is one of the most experienced Azure consulting partners for Azure Purview available in the market.

The team is focused on providing their clients with the necessary tools required to use the analytical services to their advantage.  With more than two decades of experience in consulting and around-the-clock customer support patterns, makes the EPC Group is one of the most successful cloud computing consultants.

The solutions and customized training programs designed by the company cater to the business needs of the customers. Being a gold-certified partner of Microsoft, the firm is equipped with the ability to provide such solutions to the customers that can help reduce risk and subsequently increase business productivity.


The concept of Data Governance is increasingly becoming one of the center points around which business capabilities may revolve around, in the near future. There are certain basic elements that form the core of the governance concept.

These include –

  • Inventory of the data,
  • Quality of the data,
  • Security to the data and compliance to privacy regulations,
  • Management of the Master Data and
  • lastly, data ownership.

Azure Purview is currently available in the preview period format. But, the tool is designed to create a unified data governance structure across the data landscape of the user organization. It is equipped with unique abilities like automatic data discovery, separate sensitive data classification, complete mapping of the data arena of the user, and several others. As a combination of these capabilities, the tool is capable of governing and managing data in the cloud volumes, on-premises, and even in Software-as-a-service formats

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Errin OConnor

Errin OConnor

With over 25 years of experience in Information Technology and Management Consulting, Errin O’Connor has led hundreds of large-scale enterprise implementations from Business Intelligence, Power BI, Office 365, SharePoint, Exchange, IT Security, Azure and Hybrid Cloud efforts for over 165 Fortune 500 companies.

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