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What Are Multi-Tenant Power BI Embedded And Its Benefits

Multi Tenant Power BI Embedded

Power BI Embedded: An Introduction to the meaning

The term Power BI Embedded refers to an application developed by Microsoft which is dedicated to providing the user companies with graphic reports, dashboards, and analytics in their existing applications. This is done after the user organizations begin to use the features of Power BI as an integrated part of their existing system. The users can also successfully reduce the developer’s cost about automation, monitoring, management, and deployment of analytics while having complete control of Power BI features and intelligent analytics tools.

In addition to this, the Power BI Embedded Consulting service allows the user to visualize their data in the form of optimized graphics for desktop and mobiles which allows easy decision making for the companies.

Multi-tenancy: An understanding of the concept and its benefits

The concept of multi-tenancy encompasses the process of making a single version of the software available to all the customers, by a SaaS vendor. The term SaaS on the other hand refers to software as a service. The term multi-tenancy differs from a single-tenant hosted solution where the application is hosted in the vendor’s server but the code base is unique for all of the customers.

In contrast to this, the multi-tenancy model for any software includes the isolation of all the customer data and configurations within a metadata layer which allows scalable updates and feature roll-outs for the user companies.

Power BI Embedded Dashboard

Multi-tenancy model within Power BI Embedded: Meaning

Within the purview of the Power BI, the term tenants refer to a certain user company or organization. This implies that a multi-tenant solution is a Power BI Embedded application that is used by several companies. Subsequently, the constituent companies are referred to as Power BI tenants. An organization needs to choose the tenancy model for an application after proper consideration of the organizational needs.

This consideration is essential because a tenancy model has an impact on how a tenant’s data is mapped and consequently managed within the Power BI environment. In addition to this, the tenancy model also influences the design and management of the application. Although the tenants in Power BI Embedded have the choice of shifting to a different tenancy model, this shifting can later become costly as well as disruptive.

Check out Power BI Embedded Pricing Model

The multi-tenancy solution within Power BI Embedded can be achieved by following one of the following approaches:-

The workspace separation is the recommended embedded analytics solution for a multi-tenancy environment. In this model, the separation of tenants or user organizations is done at the workspace level within Power BI through the creation of various workspaces. All these individual workspaces consist of the datasets, reports, and dashboards relevant to the specific tenant. In addition to this, all these workspaces are connected exclusively to the tenant’s data.

On the other hand, the row-level security model is the recommended embedded analytics solution for performing the filtration of data securely in the multi-tenancy environment. Within this separation model, the multi-tenant application uses a singular workspace to accommodate and host multiple tenants. All the items of the Power BI Embedded application, including business intelligence reports, dashboards, and datasets are created once and subsequently used by all the tenants in the environment.

Embedded Architecture

Advantages of the multi-tenancy in Power BI Embedded:

The advantages of this multi-tenancy concept in Power BI Embedded, which is a SaaS application, can be categorized in the following manner:-

  • Cost-effective model – As all the user’s companies access their service from the same technological platform, the updates are frequent and automatic which lowers the cost of ownership and makes the model cost-effective. As Power BI Embedded is a Microsoft developed application, the user companies do have access to an optimized cost structure because the host organization intends to provide its customers with applications that have enhanced features at a cost-effective rate.
  • Worry-free capacity – The same infrastructure and data centre is capable of accommodating all user companies irrespective of their sizes. Apart from this, the security features of Microsoft guarantee the required protection to the vulnerable organizational data of the tenants in the multi-tenant Power BI Embedded environment.
  • API integration and Scalability – The Multi-tenancy environment requires the specific requests for integration to be sent to the host environment. In addition to this, the data scalability can be enhanced in the multi-tenancy model.
  • Accessing the latest versions – Rolling out the updates for the tenancy becomes easier for the host as all the tenants share the same software platform. In addition to this, the process of accessing the latest version of the software becomes easier for the user companies or tenants as all the updates are available easily and within the same platform.


In conclusion, it can be said that the multi-tenancy model of Power BI Embedded is quite beneficial for organizations looking forward to using all the features of Power BI Embedded in a cost-effective method.


Errin OConnor

Errin OConnor

With over 25 years of experience in Information Technology and Management Consulting, Errin O’Connor has led hundreds of large-scale enterprise implementations from Business Intelligence, Power BI, Office 365, SharePoint, Exchange, IT Security, Azure and Hybrid Cloud efforts for over 165 Fortune 500 companies.

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